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Just as, yeara ago, the audience at Drury Lane buret Into flta of Uughtar at the contortiona of the clown, unaware that they were the agonised efforta of Qrlmaldl, tortured with rbeumatlam, to reach the ahalter of the winga. In our day the typical Boottiah come- dian haa been called on to aacriftce the life of bla son. And aball we. Records, indestructible, and playing four minutes, are 70 cents, and arc played with a genuine diamond.

No Needles to Change Special terms for next week only. Call and enquire and ask to hear a few records. Phone Us— Victoria Fuel Co. Brass, especially, has soared in price has become much dearer. We bought th regular prices are low. We have, however, too many, and to reduce our stock wchstve made big re- ductions in these originally fair prices.

It will pay you to investigate these offerings. See some styles in the windows. This Suite includes a Dresser with large plate mirror. Chiffonier with pUte mirror, Dre. The design is Louis XVI. The Suite 'is beautifully finished in French Grey Enamel, worltmanshtp throughout being of the highest grade. We are offering this at a big saving, and if you are at all interested in good Bedroom Furniture, don't fail to see these pieces. This line includes a big variety of Jardinieres, Hanging Baskets, and Novel- ties in Flower Holdera that will appeal, to you.

See tbcm in the windows. Boys' Boota, the Wear-Well brand f4. Ne- 'olm aolea. Mainland and Island Tisitora will find bright, warm, well-ap- pointed Winter qaartcra at the Alexandra House ConrtBey Street Airr, wall-faralabed bcdrooma; apacioaa ran loungt; excellent a la carta.

Phoilaa sooo and Fall Underwear We can show you a good variety from some of the best English and Canadian manufac- tarers in women's and children's goods. Coobiaatiou, 7Sc to Btddle waa etuohed to the LaHayetto eytn« eqitad. Board of Man- acement and the Oovaiaraeat. The practical ownerahlpby the Oav- emment of the c.

He will have aa oAoe and ataff to the nallwey Departmeat. It waa carefully planned and deliberately executed la eold blood. It has been more and more Impreased on me that every American who has had opportunltlea to peep behind the scenes and see for himself how this terrible tragedy waa aUved owea It to hia fellow-countrymen to five them all the Information In hie possession which will enable them to Tlsuallae the menace that haa been hanclnc over the jrreat republic, and still hangs over it.

The premeditation la now proved, and Am- ericans who withhold evidence become accessories after the fact to Germany's crime. He did will this war. The Serbian Incident waa more than an excuae: It was an opportunity. On Ausust IS. I called oa the Marquis of PullavlclnL the Austrian Ambaseaddr, to conarratulate hiro on the Emperor's 84 th birthday.

After exchangintr the uaual diplo- matic compllmenta eulUble to auch an occaaion, he spoke of the condition of the Emperor's health and hla jrreat physical and mental activity In spite of the strain to which he was subject- ed. The conversation then turned to the war, which was in lu third week, and His Excellency told me that when he visited the Emperor In May Hla Majesty had aaid that war waa Inevit- able because of conditions in the Bal- fcana.

In an outburat of enthuelaam after the arrival of the Goeben and the Breslau in the Dardanellea. This conference was presided over by the Kaiaer. Baron Wangenhelm was present to report on Conditions In Turkey. With them were the leadera of German finance, the directors of the railroads and the cap- Uins of Industry, whose aid waa easen- tlal to the Kaiaer in putting hia vast military machine in operation.

Each was asked If he waa ready for war. All replied In the affirmative except the financiers, who ineiated that they must have two weeks in which to sell for- eign securities and arrange their loans.

At the time' this conference was held nobody outside the Inner circles of the Berlin and Vienna govemmenta dreamed of war as a result of the Sarajevo aasasslnatlons.

They took good p»re that no ausplclon ahould be aroused. The Kaiaer went straightway to Nor- way on hla yacht. The same drug was used In Vienna, and even when the blow fell the Rus- sian Ambaiisador waa away from his post on vacation. As the British White Book shows. Many days ttefore the British Foreign Secretary asked this question war had been decided upon in Berlin and Vienna and everything was being made ready to ralaa the curtain upon the neat ghastly drama of history.

From the date of thia conference the German flnanclera were busy with their part, while the army marked time. Italy at that time being a member of the Triple Alliance. The dectelea for war which the Ans- trlaa Emperor had confided to hla Am- bassador to Turkey la May, aad which tba Kaiaer fully ravaalad to hla Ifau- teaanta to July, waa the eulmlaatloa of plana that had been under way for :S years.

Just as Bismarck had platted aad caatrlved te aalte the Oarmaa atotee by war and to create aa Eiaplra damlaatad by Pi-nasla, sa the ffslasr had brooded over Ma awa dreaai «r making Oanaaay tha the worM. Herr Hoch added that the patience and atraagth of the jieople In all coun- tries were coming to an end. Rowell aa leader of the' Opposition at their maettog. Oct iS. The specimens are iden- tical with the form to be filled out, ex- cept that they do not bear a reference number.

By consulting hte specimen, an applicant Is able to make himself familiar with the method of filling out hla particular form. It la pointed out that the type of form used was adopted both as a meana of keeping accurate check and as a protoctlon to the man himself. The man who has filled out his form is given an attached receipt bearing the same number aa the form. This receipt he can always produce to show that be has complied with the terms of the proclamation.

Every man com- tog within the first olaaa la required to fill out one of two forma. If he doea not wiah to claim exemptlMi he fllla out tha report form. If he wiahes to claim exemption, he fills out the ex- emption claim form.

Eight grounds on which a man may claim exemption ara indicated in the form. The man merely places a cross opposlto the one on be raakea hia claim. In regard to medical examlnatlona, the military service council issued the following stotoment today: "The impression seems to prevail In some quartora that the procedure adopted in connection with the en- forcement of the Militory Service Act makea it compulsory for a member of Claaa One to be medically examined before claiming exemption.

This Idea la entirely erroneous. Tha council has strongly re- commended and still strongly recom- mends to members of the claas. Patata Onp. Oradoally hot mmntr ftm win aatfaa 41m ptilema thi» ««a. Among the shades we arc able to offer are rose, purple, black, cinnamon, reseda, white, orange, cerise and paddy green.

Shades include gold, paddy, grey and rose. Felt No such appointments. It Is sUted. The whole of tha v6rk. Major Purney, Overseaa Clerk of the Crown In Chancery, who leavea for Eng- land In a few days, will have the task of organising the war areas of France and Belgium territorially, and probably will make some effort to collect the votes of the Canadians with the British and French armies. They, In turn, will appoint from the army hun- dreds of deputy presiding offlcers, who will actually take the vote.

For August. Duty collected for the sir months amounted to ,, as com- pared' with ,, for the same period last year. Domestic goods to the value of 97C7,- , were exported during the six months. Laat year for a similar per- iod the value qf domestic exports was The total value of domestic manufac- tured goods exported for the six months was , Agricultural products ex- ported during the six months period reached a total of ,, The colonel declared that they were all Jugoslavs, and sur- rendered voluntarily in order to enlist In the Jugoslav legion now being formed out of the reorgaaltad Serb army.

The offl cer s of the regi- ment declare that they expaet freah da- sertlona. Those customers who take their goods unwrapped receive a special receipt. SSf Flake White, per lb. S3 Ripe Tomatoes, large basket «..

You can prove it by trying some of our, coal. It will last longer, give more heat and save you money. A trial or- der is all we ask. Ont« Oct. Hufh Guthrie, adjourned without, nsn- 1ns a candidate, but. Scott, and the secretary, H. Robineon and Secretary J. KiU- oraa af the Liberal Association, both of Ooderleh. It waa aanaanead by. Tha lose will ha replaced. X Sweet Poutoes, per tb. SOO mombora, m ordor Uwt lu ropr. Thoro will bo a moot- ln« ef tho oxoouUvo conmlttoo aoxt lSoa4aT morninv.

Brio Dunoan ba. Aceuood wa« flnod ISO. Boil It! ITS of aa acre. Within a fow boura tha artlela waa loeatad in a pawn ahop In tha city and, aa a roault of tbo clrcum- stancoo, Pto. Qeorfo H. Stewart, who has reslcned from the Provincial Govern- ment aorrico aa member of the Depart- ment of Agriculture to Join the Royal Fly lag Corpa and loaves the service to« day, tho Minister of Agriculture Ivaa.

Me pointed out that tlia aldewalk at Delta and Steele Streeta la continually being brolien by vehicles ; creasing aa there la no proper approach.

Richmond Road is in such, a condition that Mr. Mlllsr has protasted to the Mayor. Officials estimate that the construction of a twelve-foot trail over the part complained of would cpat IS4S. In t;aaebf"Bom«. The only way re- palra can be made is by taking up the aquarea and rcpUclng them. This will be done at a cost of flSS.

As waa announced to tha chorus on that occasion there will be two rehearaala each week, on Mon- days and Baturdaya. At tonight's practice it la hoped that a large num- ber will turn out, especially thoae who cannot conveniently attend on Mondaya.

XwMhaoa to Br. James Robertaon, chairman of the Can- adian Branch of the Brltlah Empire Ag- ricultural Relief of the Alllea' Fund, will meet the members of the Provincial committee of this fund at luncheon at the Empress Hotel, at 1 o'clock today, to dtacUsa the question of food control methods, and also the work which is be- ing undertaken throughout the Domin- ion towards the relief of the atrlcken farmers of the dovaatated areas of France.

Belgium, Poland, Serbia, etc AeeeauBodatloaa fo« Tonrlsis Wasted — Furnished houses or apartments are In strong demand at present, the num- ber of visitors from the Prairies who ask at the Development Aasociation for aaalstance In locating suitable qubrters being steely on the increase.

Coe waa reallaad from the sale of thoroughbred stock at the Provincial Colony Farm at Gaaondale on Thuraday. The prices aecured were aatlafactory, the Minlater statea. In all. All who attend are requested to bring socka. A mualoal programme will be provided by Mr. Douglaa Morth and membera of the B. Academy of Music. The Fall abowlng of apples ana pears ia ex- pected t« be particularly good, and freeh Togetables, egga. The tend tkat la abMat beyaad repeir to atoo ta receive atbsattoa.

The elty aollcltar ta leeklag lata 'thia. One of jtbe meet dangeroua palea ta aa the north side ef Ceartaey Street be- tween OordoB and Daaglaa Streeta taU wbleb a motorist raauaed hta ear re- eently ia a blladtng ralaatorni.

An- other pale to at Bridge aad Bay Streeu. Tba eoat of renMVing theae poles wauM be about lit eaob. Coles, preatdeet ef the B. Federated Navy League, yeeterday atralgtatoaed out in the mtada ef VIcterta aldermen the mU-up over the applicatlaBs for tag days en behalf of bto own ergaatoa- tlon, the Navy L. Aa a reovlt of what Mr. Coles told the aldermen they will recommend' ta the council Monday night that his organisation be graated per- mlsaion to tag in Vletorta aome day in November.

Fifty per cent of the pre- eeeda will go to the local inatltutfon of the league at Kaquimalt and the other 50 per cent overaeaa for the children and widows of men who have sarved la the navy. Popolarisiag' B. Various species of woods win be sent. The Government Is co-op- erating with the B. The mattrial will be delivered to the achools free of coat, the Qovemment paying freight charges while the mills will supply t ie lumber.

Thto was announced at the City Hall yesterday after an In- vestigation by the city engineer. The city haa now cleaned out the ditch and haa assurted the residents that unleea an abnormal rainfall occurs there should not be' any further trouble. That the Istond w a resort tor motor tourists baa sprung Into high favor Is shewn by the unprecedented number of cars that toured the Island highway and ito var« lous tributories during the past Sum- mer.

BocreUry Harria aays that the Aaaoclation wanta more mem- bera. Mlatoter Vpholda Bectatoa — The de- cision of the comptroller of water rlghta In connection with certain surveys of landa on the Nlmpklah River affecting the Intereata of the B. The B. Paekera' Aaaoclation object- ed to the ruling df the comptroller on the ground that the plana aa approved would prajodloo their intereata in their cannery aa ptoviakta was made for a dam on the river aad, the aasoototion oontended, audh a work would prevent flah from spawning In the river.

The Kinman intereata objecied to the comptrollar'a ruling on tha ground that they wanted information as to what ex- tent their Interests would b« affected. The Minister held that the Water De- partment has extensive powsra and that It rests with that department to ede that every Interest Is served aa oireiim- stanees warrant. Sack i. Per poand Grey is the color, and they are made in the comfortable button-on- shoulder style. All our goods: Clothing, Over- coats, Underwear, Shirts, Socks, Raincoats, Umbrellas, in short, everything in the store is marked away below manufacturer's cost.

Broken lines sell at a mere fraction of original cost Anev aaa S for.. Ok ft a. Regular price. SO and 1,7I. SBd An. VS bad. We have a choice assortment of soft and hard chocolates and candies. London Univ.

Calf Stors Open to p. We aerre meals, too. Every man who desires to purchase a well-tail- ored suit — decidedly smart in cut and of excep- tional q u a H t y — is in- vited to attend this dis- play and make his selec- tion. Prices Reasonable P. No one need taaitata to call upon ua bo- oauaa they cannot afford a ooatly funeral.

We are at the eervloe 9t all. Frank L. Lowe said. Despite this ad- mission, however, the city has not fflven a rebate of any part of the overpaid taxes to Mr. Lowe, it was presumed correct, and the city had no power to malte any refund.

They lidded it was just a plain Instance of over-assess- ment "It is rotten morally; I don't care for the law," said Mr. Lowe yester- day. The summons was issued upon information of Serseant Fry, of the local police force. This is the first case here of a charae asainst a medical practitioner of breach of the new law. Harry Oraham, of San Prsndsco. Miss Williams was amonc the first nurses to so from this' city to uader- taka war service in Europe.

C Hart, which has Just termin- ated a long period of service at Salonica. She was in France at- tending to wounded men who came in after the Tpres salient, Somme fighting and following engagements, and only left her jtost last May. The Saanich Council clata»ed that this fidewalk would ba of mora benefit to the resl- deats of Victoria than the adjacent municipality. There is no sIdewaUc on either side of the road.

Four houses on each side are concerned. The cost of the proposod sidewalk would be »boat Gordon, F. Gordon Is a native of Prince Edward Ishnd and has spent the last three months traveling through Canada, study- ing '. He will also be able to give infonnation on the effect of the entry of the United States into the war. Order your Winter Suit this week and benefit by our cash discount plan.

WeoMB alao cea benefit by our money-saying offer. Oar tweed and worsted fabrics are gaaraii- teed. Our woHooaaship and finish are first- claia. In con- tained in a letter Just received hero from Lieut. Williams writes: "I am in a very Interesting place at the outskirts of a town or city which I hope ere you get this the Canadians will have taken; the artillery is surely preparing the way.

One night last week he sent a thousand in six minutes in the Ticinlty. In the shell line he favors us with wbis-bangs, shrapnel, three different sise howltsers and an S-inch armor- piercing shell. Then, as a general blood mixture he sends over lots of gas shells at night — anywhere from S to il o'clock.

There seems to be at least three different kinds. Judging from the smell and ef- fects, but- we all wear our gas respira- tors continually and are ever on the alert. A large party of ecclesiastical digni- taries of the Roman Catholic Church ar- rived In the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, where they had at- tended the consecration of Bishop Bu- noz. They included high church olffcials from almost every district in Canada west of Winnipeg. The party will remain in the city for several days, after which each of the members will return to his home.

Archbishop Christie, of Portland, was once bishop in Victoria, and Archbishop Mathieu, of Regina, has many friends in this city, so that the visit of these two es- pecially will be pleasurable. Many of the other memlwrs of the party are visiting here for the first time. Blehop MacDonald has been in the Kast since August In Toronto on October 7 he held ordination, and while In the Maritime Provinces had the pleasure of attend- ing the 0th anniversary of the ordin- ation of his old pastor, Mgr.

Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair in a few moments. No such a thing as fruit or berries seem to per- colate this far, but I should worry. I am feeling well and sleep like a log — even went to sleep with my gas respira- tor on one night last week. That is a thing I tbought Impossope to do. Parhapa I. I have a detachment of picked mea from our company with me. A llttia Danderino Immodlately doubles the beauty of your hair. No dltroraaca how dull, fadod, brittia and aeraggy, Jnst molatea a doth with Danderino and carefully draw it through yoar hair, taking one small strand at a tins.

The eCaoc Is amaslng— yoor hair will ha light. Oot a mnuktl bnttle of Knowlton's Dnn- drrine for a few cents at any drag store or tollat coanter. A nodam. It was learned yeatar- day. The proposal will be put up to the city council at 7:S0 o'clock next Mon- day night The plana of the oncers, it was said, are to aecuro the money through the submission to the' ratepay- ers at the municlpsi elections la Jan- uary of a bylaw.

The present home which Is rented by the organization has long outgrown its usefulness. Alderman Johns, a member of the executive, said yesterday. He pointed out that it was capable of ax commodating ten inmates a -few years ago when it was opened, but is not suitable for the forty at present.

News which reached the city , yesterday stated he succumbed on October 12 at the Red Cross Hospital In Winchester, li:n gland. Johnstone was bom in this city forty-six years ago, and was the son ot the late J. Johnston and Mrs. He received his education at St. Louis College and the Central School. He leaves besides a widow and children, who live on Olive Street, his mother, Mrs. Johnston, and three sisters, Mrs.

George Oeary, Mrs. C Boyce and Miss N. Johnston, all of this city. A stepson, Pte. UJV Tone is the great criterion by which to judge any, musical instrument. The violin of a Paganini is worthy the master's bow — it has the master tone. Its exact duplicate, lacking this magic quality, is but a shell of varnished Woo4. And Again! Schotield met Miss Ktta Shaw, who has been on furlough in the Hast, and Is now re- turning to Japan, and much regret wan expressed that Victoria had not been favored by a visit from this missionary.

Miss Naftel, matron of the Car- croas Industrial School, being warmly welcomed. The diocesan president. Miss Turner, opened tha meeting, Mrs. Novtmtber 30, Is to b« observed Ky sU memoers as a day of intercMslon, when It Is hopod an- other quiet day for women will ba hold. The work of sending reading mattar to the diffarent camps baa bean at some what of a standsUll oaring to tha baa- ing of so many works, but Mrs. In raporting far the local cann«fl. Neville Ward, who Is in charge of the Chinese mis- sion in Vancouver, he told of the illfll- culty of obtaining a building for a mls- alon hall in Chinatown owing to the strong opposition to this w6rk by the gambling element, who rented, at a high llgure the building he was hoping to get as a base, where the Uoael could bo planted in the worst part of the city.

A request was made for games, chess, drafts, haima. Miss Bill tendered her r«'slgnatlon owing to her Inability to attend the board meetings, but by a unanimous vote her decision was voted down, and she was asked to reconsider Xf»n matter, her long years of service and capable administration of her duties making her too valuable an officer to be lost to the board.

EXE LIB Tool build: File Imports gdiplus. Tip: Click an analysed process below to view more details. Contacted Hosts No relevant hosts were contacted. Download All Memory Strings B. This program cannot be run in DOS mode. Ansi based on Dropped File WhatsNew. RAR 5. RAR zme hz gelitirildi. WinRAR grafiklerini gncelledik. Yeni RAR 5. Komut satr RAR, 'arivad. Kurtarma ciltleri daha az disk arama ilemi yapar. Bu kod sadece RAR 5. XZ ariv biimi iin dosya kartma destei eklendi.

Arivleme iletiim kutusunda, "Profiller RAR kurtarma ciltleri. ZIP arivleri iin yksek doruluklu zaman destei eklendi. Bilgisayar kapatmak iin -ioff veya -ioff1 komut satr anahtarn kullann, Ansi based on Dropped File WhatsNew. ZIP ek alan verisinde saklanan Unicode isimleri iin destek eklendi. Lzip sktrcs ile oluturulan. Yeniden denensin mi? Full Text Available The fault diagnosis process is essentially a class discrimination problem.

However, traditional class discrimination methods such as SVM and ANN fail to capitalize the interactions among the feature variables. But the feature extraction and selection will greatly affect the accuracy and stability of VPMCD classifier. Aiming at the nonstationary characteristics of vibration signal from rotating machinery with local fault, singular value decomposition SVD technique based local characteristic-scale decomposition LCD was developed to extract the feature variables.

The results show that the proposed method is effective and noise tolerant. And the comparative results demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to the other methods in diagnosis speed, diagnosis success rate, and diagnosis stability. The present study focusses on development of models using ANN and fuzzy logic FL algorithm for predicting the streamflow for catchment of Savitri River Basin. The input vector to these models were daily rainfall, mean daily evaporation, mean daily temperature and lag streamflow used.

In the present study, 20 years Anne Chambers, Governor, Chairperson Aspekte van die outeursfunksie in Antjie Krog se Lady Anne Lady Anne It is an attempt to show how the notion of the death of the author Barthes links up with this theorisation of Foucault.

Thirteen transects associated This paper presents an extended version of study already undertaken on development of an artificial neural networks ANNs model for assigning workforce into virtual cells under virtual cellular manufacturing systems VCMS environments. Previously, the same authors have introduced this concept and applied it to virtual cells of two-cell configuration and the results demonstrated that ANNs could be a worth applying tool for carrying out workforce assignments.

In this attempt, three-cell configurations problems are considered for worker assignment task. Virtual cells are formed under dual resource constraint DRC context in which the number of available workers is less than the total number of machines available. Since worker assignment tasks are quite non-linear and highly dynamic in nature under varying inputs and conditions and, in parallel, ANNs have the ability to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs and find similar patterns effectively, an attempt was earlier made to employ ANNs into the above task.

In this paper, the multilayered perceptron with feed forward MLP-FF neural network model has been reused for worker assignment tasks of three-cell configurations under DRC context and its performance at different time periods has been analyzed. The previously proposed worker assignment model has been reconfigured and cell formation solutions available for three-cell configuration in the literature are used in combination to generate datasets for training ANNs framework.

Finally, results of the study have been presented and discussed. Ellipsis in English Literature: Signs of Omission. For years the thesis topic kept me entertained as an example of how narrowly focused literary study could become. Full Text Available Offer preparation has always been a specific part of a building process which has significant impact on company business. The paper presents a research of precision that can be achieved while using artificial intelligence for estimation of cost and duration in construction projects.

Estimation of works duration has proved to be more difficult. The best MAPEs were Why philosophy and history matter : A conversation with Ann Taves.

The article picks up some ideas that Ann Taves presents in her book Religious Experience Reconsidered, and looks at possible conversations that are not fleshed out in detail in Taves' book. In particular, it is argued that the disciplinary confrontation with philosophy and with historiography is of. Artificial neural network ANN -based prediction of depth filter loading capacity for filter sizing.

This article presents an application of artificial neural network ANN modelling towards prediction of depth filter loading capacity for clarification of a monoclonal antibody mAb product during commercial manufacturing. The effect of operating parameters on filter loading capacity was evaluated based on the analysis of change in the differential pressure DP as a function of time.

The proposed ANN model uses inlet stream properties feed turbidity, feed cell count, feed cell viability , flux, and time to predict the corresponding DP. The ANN contained a single output layer with ten neurons in hidden layer and employed a sigmoidal activation function.

This network was trained with training points, 37 validation points, and 37 test points. Further, a pressure cut-off of 1. The modelling results showed that there was excellent agreement between the predicted and experimental data with a regression coefficient R 2 of 0. The developed ANN model was used for performing variable depth filter sizing for different clarification lots.

Monte-Carlo simulation was performed to estimate the cost savings by using different filter areas for different clarification lots rather than using the same filter area.

The data used in this work are global solar radiation GSR , sunshine duration, maximum and minimum air temperature and relative humidity. These data are available from Jordanian meteorological station over a period of two years.

Different configurations patterns were tested using available observed data. It was found that the model using mainly sunshine duration and air temperature as inputs gives accurate results. The ANN model efficiency and the mean square error values show that the prediction model is accurate. It is found that the effect of the three learning algorithms on the accuracy of the prediction model at the training and testing stages for each time scale is mostly within the same accuracy range.

Measurement and ANN prediction of pH-dependent solubility of nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds. Based on the solubility of 25 nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds NHCs measured by saturation shake-flask method, artificial neural network ANN was employed to the study of the quantitative relationship between the structure and pH-dependent solubility of NHCs.

With genetic algorithm-multivariate linear regression GA-MLR approach, five out of the molecular descriptors computed by Dragon software were selected to describe the molecular structures of NHCs. Standard Penetration Resistance N value is used in many empirical geotechnical engineering formulas. For a particular site, usually, only a limited N value data are available. In contrast, resistivity data can be obtained extensively.

Moreover, previous studies showed evidence of a correlation between N value and resistivity value. Yet, no existing method is able to interpret resistivity data for estimation of N value.

Thus, the aim is to develop a method for estimating N-value using resistivity data. The performance metrics used were the coefficient of determination, R2 and mean absolute error, MAE. For the toxicity estimator we defined input data including age, sex, site, stage, pathology, status of chemo, technique of external beam radiation therapy EBRT , length of treatment, dose of EBRT, status of post operation, length of follow-up, the status of local recurrences and distant metastasis.

These data were digitized based on the significance and fed to the ANN as input nodes. We used 20 hidden nodes for the 13 input nodes to take care of the correlations of input nodes.

For training ANN , we divided data into three subsets such as training set, validation set and test set. Finally, we built the estimator for the toxicity from ANN output. Results: We used 13 input variables including the status of local recurrences and distant metastasis and 20 hidden nodes for correlations. Currently we are improving the results using cross validation. This study aims to assess and compare heavy metal distribution models developed using stepwise multiple linear regression MSLR and neural network-genetic algorithm model ANN -GA based on satellite imagery.

The source identification of heavy metals was also explored using local Moran index. The models were evaluated and ANN -GA model demonstrated higher accuracy, and the autocorrelation results showed higher significant clusters of heavy metals around the industrial zone. The higher concentration of Cd, Pb and Zn was noted under industrial lands and irrigation farming in comparison to barren and dryland farming.

Accumulation of industrial wastes in roads and streams was identified as main sources of pollution, and the concentration of soil heavy metals was reduced by increasing the distance from these sources. The clustering analysis provided reliable information about the spatial distribution of soil heavy metals and their sources.

The time series utilized are average hourly wind speed data obtained directly from the measurements realized in the different sites during about one month. The ARIMA models were first used to do the wind speed forecasting of the time series and then with the obtained errors ANN were built taking into account the nonlinear tendencies that the ARIMA technique could not identify, reducing with this the final errors.

Once the Hybrid models were developed 48 data out of sample for each one of the sites were used to do the wind speed forecasting and the results were compared with the ARIMA and the ANN models working separately. Statistical error measures such as the mean error ME , the mean square error MSE and the mean absolute error MAE were calculated to compare the three methods.

Anne Oja. Diagramm: Finantsinvesteeringute maht. Dividendisaajate esirinnas. Kommenteerib Annika Matson. Depression is one of the most important causes of mortality and morbidity among the geriatric population. Although, the aging brain is more vulnerable to depression, it cannot be considered as physiological and an inevitable part of ageing.

Various sociodemographic and morbidity factors are responsible for the depression among them. Using Artificial Neural Network ANN model depression can be predicted from various sociodemographic variables and co morbid conditions even at community level by the grass root level health care workers. To predict depression among geriatric population from sociodemographic and morbidity attributes using ANN.

Among elderlies under Bagbazar UHTC, were interviewed using predesigned and pretested schedule. Depression status was assessed using 30 item Geriatric Depression Scale. WEKA 3. Prevalence of depression among the study population was Various sociodemographic variables like age, gender, literacy, living spouse, working status, personal income, family type, substance abuse and co morbid conditions like visual problem, mobility problem, hearing problem and sleeping problem were taken into consideration to develop the model.

Prediction accuracy of this ANN model was Depression among geriatric population can be predicted accurately using ANN model from sociodemographic and morbidity attributes. Modelling and automatic reactive power control of isolated wind-diesel hybrid power systems using ANN. This paper presents an artificial neural network ANN based approach to tune the parameters of the static var compensator SVC reactive power controller over a wide range of typical load model parameters.

The gains of PI proportional integral based SVC are optimised for typical values of the load voltage characteristics n q by conventional techniques. Using the generated data, the method of multi-layer feed forward ANN with error back propagation training is employed to tune the parameters of the SVC.

It is observed that the maximum deviations of all parameters are more for larger values of n q. Bansal, R. Application of ann -based decision making pattern recognition to fishing operations.

Akhlaghinia, M. Faculty of Engineering. Torabi uregina. Decision making is a crucial part of fishing operations. Proper decisions should be made to prevent wasted time and associated costs on unsuccessful operations. This paper presents a novel model to help drilling managers decide when to commence and when to quit a fishing operation.

A decision making model based on Artificial Neural Network ANN has been developed that utilizes Pattern Recognition based on fishing incidents from one of the most fish-prone fields of the southwest of Iran. All parameters chosen to train the ANN -Based Pattern Recognition Tool are assumed to play a role in the success of the fishing operation and are therefore used to decide whether a fishing operation should be performed or not.

If the tool deems the operation suitable for consideration, a cost analysis of the fishing operation can then be performed to justify its overall cost. My analysis of this corpus is based on four approaches: a comparison between Carter's and Rice's works, supported by their common use of vampire characters; an investigation of how this use con The results indicate that it is quite possible to use an artificial neural networks in predicting the stability index RI with a good degree of accuracy.

This paper deals with the identification of material parameters using an inverse strategy. In the classical methods, the inverse technique is generally coupled with a finite element code which leads to a long computing time. In this work an inverse strategy coupled with an ANN procedure is proposed. This method has the advantage of being faster than the classical one. To validate this approach an experimental plane tensile and bulge tests are used in order to identify material behavior.

The ANN model is trained from finite element simulations of the two tests. In order to reduce the gap between the experimental responses and the numerical ones, the proposed method is coupled with an optimization procedure to identify material parameters for the AISI The identified material parameters are the hardening curve and the anisotropic coefficients.

Full Text Available Dr. Anne Brennan Malec is the founder and managing partner of Symmetry Counseling, a counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy group practice located in downtown Chicago.

One of the critical parts in rotating machines is bearings and most of the failure arises from the defective bearings. Bearing failure leads to failure of a machine and the unpredicted productivity loss in the performance. Therefore, bearing fault detection and prognosis is an integral part of the preventive maintenance procedures. In this paper vibration signal for four conditions of a deep groove ball bearing; normal N , inner race defect IRD , ball defect BD and outer race defect ORD were acquired from a customized bearing test rig, under four different conditions and three different fault sizes.

Two approaches have been opted for statistical feature extraction from the vibration signal. In the first approach, raw signal is used for statistical feature extraction and in the second approach statistical features extracted are based on bearing damage index BDI.

The proposed BDI technique uses wavelet packet node energy coefficients analysis method. Both the features are used as inputs to an ANN classifier to evaluate its performance. Effectiveness of ANN for seismic behaviour prediction considering geometric configuration effect in concrete gravity dams.

Full Text Available In this study, an Artificial Neural Networks ANN model is built and verified for quick estimation of the structural parameter obtained for a concrete gravity dam section due to seismic excitation.

The developed model can be used for accurate estimation of this parameter. The results showed an excellent capability of the model to predict the outputs with high accuracy and reduced computational time. This paper presents the use of both the Water Erosion Prediction Project WEPP and the artificial neural network ANN for the prediction of runoff and soil loss in the central highland mountainous of the Palestinian territories.

Analyses show that the soil erosion is highly dependent on both the rainfall depth and the rainfall event duration rather than on the rainfall intensity as mostly mentioned in the literature. The results obtained from the WEPP model for the soil loss and runoff disagree with the field data. The WEPP underestimates both the runoff and soil loss. Analyses conducted with the ANN agree well with the observation. In addition, the global network models developed using the data of all the land use type show a relatively unbiased estimation for both runoff and soil loss.

The study showed that the ANN model could be used as a management tool for predicting runoff and soil loss. Full Text Available Blast-induced ground vibration is one of the inevitable outcomes of blasting in mining projects and may cause substantial damage to rock mass as well as nearby structures and human beings.

A four-layer feed-forward back propagation multi-layer perceptron MLP was used and trained with Levenberg—Marquardt algorithm. To construct ANN models, the maximum charge per delay, distance from blasting face to monitoring point, stemming and hole depth were taken as inputs, whereas peak particle velocity PPV was considered as an output parameter.

A database consisting of 69 data sets recorded at strategic and vulnerable locations of GEG iron mine was used to train and test the generalization capability of ANN models.

Coefficient of determination R2 and mean square error MSE were chosen as the indicators of the performance of the networks. A network with architecture and R2 of 0. To demonstrate the supremacy of ANN approach, the same 69 data sets were used for the prediction of PPV with four common empirical models as well as multiple linear regression MLR analysis. It will try to analyze Porter's writing style through her imaginary conception, vivid psychological description and multiple symbolisms so that we can understand her studies and her attitudes to female psychological….

The true crime story, however, is given a twist when the first ghostly appearance takes place. The purpose of the present BA paper is to analyse how, by employing various fantastic elements, the genres of true crime and fairy tal Tutkielmani keskittyy siihen, kuinka kyseiset Application of back-propagation artificial neural network ANN to predict crystallite size and band gap energy of ZnO quantum dots.

Herein, the crystallite size and band gap energy of zinc oxide ZnO quantum dots were predicted using artificial neural network ANN. Three input factors including reagent ratio, growth time, and growth temperature were examined with respect to crystallite size and band gap energy as response factors.

The generated results from neural network model were then compared with the experimental results. Experimental crystallite size and band gap energy of ZnO quantum dots were measured from TEM images and absorbance spectra, respectively.

Based on the results, the ANN modelling results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Applying a supervised ANN artificial neural network approach to the prognostication of driven wheel energy efficiency indices. This paper examines the prediction of energy efficiency indices of driven wheels i. The pertinent experiments were carried out in the soil bin testing facility. A feed-forward ANN artificial neural network with standard BP back propagation algorithm was practiced to construct a supervised representation to predict the energy efficiency indices of driven wheels.

It was deduced, in view of the statistical performance criteria i. MSE mean squared error and R 2 , that a supervised ANN with topology and Levenberg—Marquardt training algorithm represented the optimal model. Modeling implementations indicated that ANN is a powerful technique to prognosticate the stochastic energy efficiency indices as affected by soil-wheel interactions with MSE of 0. It was found that traction coefficient and tractive power efficiency increase with increased slippage.

A similar trend is valid for the influence of wheel load on the objective parameters. Wherein increase of velocity led to an increment of tractive power efficiency, velocity had no significant effect on traction coefficient. Tanel Padari ja ansambli The Sun kontserttuurist. Europarlamendi liikme Ivari Padari arvamusi. The models obtained were compared with those obtained using multiple linear regression MLR analysis.

The descriptor selection and model building were performed with fold cross-validation using the training data set. Randomization test is employed to check the suitability of the models. It is very appropriate for on-line dynamic remote sensing monitoring of air pollutants, especially for the automotive exhausts. However, their absorption spectra are often seriously overlapped in the atmospheric infrared window bands, i.

Artificial Neural Network ANN is an algorithm based on the theory of the biological neural network, which simplifies the partial differential equation with complex construction. We extracted the original data of these automotive exhausts from the HITRAN database, most of which virtually overlapped, and established a mixed multi-component simulation environment. Based on Beer-Lambert Law, concentrations can be retrieved from the absorbance of spectra. Parameters including learning rate, momentum factor, the number of hidden nodes and iterations were obtained when the BP network was trained with 80 groups of input data.

By improving these parameters, the network can be optimized to produce necessarily higher precision for the retrieved concentrations. This BP- ANN method proves to be an effective and promising algorithm on dealing with multi-components analysis of automotive exhausts. We particularly look at the multi-layer perceptron MLP. After optimizing our architecture with NWP and endogenous data previously made stationary and using an innovative pre-input layer selection method, we combined it to an ARMA model from a rule based on the analysis of hourly data series.

This model has been used to forecast the hourly global radiation for five places in Mediterranean area. Our technique outperforms classical models for all the places. Finally, in order to discuss the reliability of the forecaster outputs, a complementary study concerning the confidence interval of each prediction is proposed.

Modelling the spectral irradiance distribution in sunny inland locations using an ANN -based methodology. This work is aimed at verifying that in sunny inland locations artificial intelligence techniques may provide an estimation of the spectral irradiance with adequate accuracy for photovoltaic applications. An ANN artificial neural network based method was developed, trained and tested to model the spectral distributions between wavelengths ranging from to nm.

Only commonly available input data such as geographical information regarding location, specific date and time together with horizontal global irradiance and ambient temperature are required. A Kohonen self-organized map was used as innovative technique to classify the whole input dataset and build a small and representative training dataset.

The shape of the spectral irradiance distribution, the in-plane global irradiance G T and irradiation H T and the APE average photon energy values obtained through the ANN method were statistically compared to the experimental ones. In terms of shape distribution fitting, the mean relative deformation error stays below 4.

The root mean square percentage error is around 6. Regarding H T , errors lie below 3. This paper presents a systematic approach to develop artificial neural network ANN models to predict the performance of a heat exchanger operating in real mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning MVAC system. Two approaches were attempted and presented. This study used the neural network technique to obtain a static and a dynamic model for a heat exchanger mounted in an air handler unit AHU , which is the key component of the MVAC system.

The paper details our experiences in using ANNs , especially those with back-propagation BP structures. Also, the weights and biases of our trained-up ANN models are listed out, which serve as good reference for readers to deal with their own situations. Alice- Anne Martin - She was head of the team that edited the proceedings of the Background: The Sally- Anne test has been extensively used to examine children's theory of mind understanding.

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